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Aditya Tawatia President OfBJP congratulates Indo-Canadian community on Independence Day

056Asian Journal: How did the thought to celebrate India’s Independence day occur to you?
Aditya: First, I would like to
congratulate Indo Canadian
community and the OfBJP team for the success it was team decision to celebrate India’s 68th Independence Day. When I started working towards this project there were challenges, but slowly the momentum built up and I received warm support from the community. There are many people who are who came together to make this event success. This is a noble cause which we are doing, remembering the freedom fighters that fought for the freedom of the country where we were born and also feel the pride and joy that our adopted country has given us opportunity to be successful.

Asian Journal: What opportunities do you see between India and Canada?
Aditya: In both the countries there are so many things that compliment each other. Canada is rich in oil and gas, manufacturing, lumber and as far India is concerned it can provide skilled human resource. Last 30 to 40 years we didn’t do much business but now we are looking forward to expansion of trade ties between the two countries.

Asian Journal: What is the plan for next year?
Aditya: Next year we are going to make it even bigger event. This was the first time and the support we recieved from the community has encouraged us to go forward and make this event an annual event.