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IC-SEA President’s Message

The Indo Canadian Socio Economic Association (IC-SEA) was founded on the belief that India and Canada have the potential to be one of the strongest partnerships in the world. Both the nations share some great commonalities in their commitment to democracy, social justice, and religious freedom.

These principles are more relevant and hold a much deeper meaning than at perhaps any other time in our recent history.

Indians have been one of the largest contributors to the Canadian success story as immigrants over the decades have become integrated into the fabric of society and helped become economic drivers for every community that they have touched. A rich culture and heritage of Indo-Candian partnerships now exist all over the country.

A major part of the inception of IC-SEA was also to make sure that India and Canada can both be primary trade partners of each other. India has recently continued to stand side by side with the other fastest growing economies in the world and also has the largest middle-class of any country anywhere.

This growth story represents a massive opportunity for Canadian businesses in India as well as the other way around. We aim to facilitate further business collaborations through undertaking cultural events, trade fairs, increasing community awareness and getting India into the most visible level of consciousness for Canadians.

India and Canada are natural allies and have the same long-term goals. Through greater understanding and increased partnerships, we want to play a small but vital role in helping the two nations achieve their full potential.